another delusion

7 juli 2012

so much delusions today. so much stress. and i'm start to freaking out.
but i can beat some of that delusions today.

first, i'm just choosing a comfortable-cloth for my self and get rid of the think that someone will look at me badly because i'm choosing err.. my lovely boyish shirt. and i was choosing my not-so-good-looking veil too. and that clothing really makes me comfortable.

then, start when i must go with my photography group to city center. take some photographs. freezing. i'm not bringing my jacket. how fool i am. and yap. nobody cares. and that was very good. that will help me beat my delusion. get rid of it and i hope i can lose my delusion.

when i'm sit and freezing in grass, no one cares. but when i leave and my friends sit at exact the same point with me, maybe feeling cold too, everyone cares. that was very fine. very good. and i have to thank them because they could help me lose my delusions. thanks, friends. i hope this delusion totally gone.

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